The Experience
The Housley Principled Leadership Program (HPLP) is a leadership dialogue and workshop designed to bring self-awareness to the development of student leaders. With sessions like You, Inc. covering individual brand power, themed discussions about the need for principled leaders and insight from business professionals, HPLP will challenge definitions of "service", inspire you to examine your thinking, and help you grow into a leader of consequence.
Each week provides engaging and inspirational content. Students attend classes structured to make them more reflective, purposeful and influential leaders.
We believe in helping extraordinary young leaders reach their potential, the Housley Principled Leadership Program is one of the ways we do it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where and when is Housley offered?
A: Texas State University – Two day weekend seminar (offered in the spring some years)
Texas State University – Semester-long honors course (offered in the fall)
Q: Do I have to apply to be in the Housley Principled Leadership Program?
A: The weekend seminar at Texas State University requires a sign up.
All other course offerings are filled through the respective university – treat it as a three-hour class when registering for your semester.
Q: Why is the course not called the Housley Principled Leadership Program at my university?
A: Though the course material and experience is quite similar across campuses, we work with each university partner to make sure the way we present the course fits in to the theme for their respective degree plan, major/minor or department.
Q: What qualifications do I need to be accepted into the Housley Program?
A: Each member of the Housley Tribe is unique in their skills, talents and passions. While there is no set list of qualifications for someone to be admitted, we have a bias toward proactive students who start organizations, movements, campaigns or initiatives. Anyone can follow the rules and plenty of people graduate college, but there are those few who choose to wake up each morning and be extra-ordinary. Those folks are who we want.
“Housley helped me grow in so many ways. It helped me take what I am learning as a student leader and apply it to my career and future. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”
“I would walk away from each class feeling radiant.”
“Housley was the first experience that I had where I was working on myself.”
“I went from one understanding of leadership to now my understanding which is servant leadership - mentoring others.”