Housley Principled Leadership Program

Session Four

Session Four

Session Four


Session Description

One of the qualities that differentiates average individuals from extraordinary individuals is the ability to get things done. There is a mystical step between talking about an idea and shipping it out the door that prevents most people from action. This session will cover stories of leaders who have a bias toward action and will explore new methods of managing time, overcoming fear and turning ideas into reality.


By the end of this session, students will be able to:

  • Understand the incredible value of getting stuff done

  • Begin executing ideas instead of talking about them

  • Differentiate task preparation from procrastination

  • Overcome the barriers to beginning a task



Blog Prompt

How do you procrastinate? What are those things you do in order to avoid what you're supposed to do? Think about it and write a self-deprecating post about your worst procrastinating habit.